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The Dokku Pro binary provides a few different commands for local use. All commands optionally take a --help flag, which shows the full help output for the command.

dokku-pro help

Outputs the general help output:


$ dokku-pro help

Usage: dokku-pro [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    config     Config command
    server     Server command
    version    Return the version of the binary

dokku-pro config

Outputs the config dokku-pro will use in a human-readable fashion.


$ dokku-pro config

Api.JwtAccessSecret  => abcdefg
Api.JwtRefreshSecret => hijklmnop
Auth.RootToken       => strong_root_password
Auth.RootUsername    => root
DatabaseLocation     => /var/lib/dokku/data/pro/db
License.Key          => key/SOME_LICENSE_KEY==
License.KeyFile      =>
LogTTL               => 10080
Server.ReadTimeout   => 10
Server.WriteTimeout  => 20
Server.Network       => tcp
Server.Port          => 5000

dokku-pro server


The command should generally not be invoked directly, and should instead be run via systemctl.

Starts an instance of the dokku-pro server. Multiple instances cannot be run at the same time. Output will be in json.

Configuration for the server is always loaded from /etc/default/dokku-pro.


$ dokku-pro server

{"level":"info","host":"dokku","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1646791164,"message":"Validating license"}

dokku-pro version

Outputs the version of Dokku Pro installed


$ dokku-pro version
